3 Habits for Youthful Aging

  • 3 Habits for Youthful Aging

3 Habits for Youthful Aging 
Common Age-Related Diseases and Conditions
  • Cardiovascular Disease. Hero Images / Getty Images
  • Cerebrovascular Disease (Strokes)
  • High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
  • Cancer
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Dementia (Including Alzheimer's Disease)
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Aging, begins the day we are born. When young, we want to grow older; then comes the time we want to slow it all down. Efforts to delay aging can be expensive and time-consuming. Antioxidant astaxanthin has attracted increasing attention as an effective molecule to prevent oxidative stress and age-related conditions and diseases.

Here are 3 habits you can adopt to help slow the clock and age youthfully.

1.   Diet: Eat a diet high in antioxidants and low in Fructose. 
Antioxidants are key because they can prevent and heal the damage of one of the leading causes of disease and aging that you may never hear about: oxidative stress. The Patented ValAsta astaxanthin is the strongest antioxidant supplement known and can neutralize the damaging free radicals. Fructose, found in many things, is a huge cause of oxidative stress and should be drastically reduced or eliminated from your diet.
2.   Limit sun exposure. The sun is one of the biggest predictors of premature aging, especially when it comes to our skin! Scientific studies of astaxanthin in humans have demonstrated the enhanced sun protection and reduction of UV damage that causes skin to burn and age. The Patented ValAsta astaxanthin helps to prevent sunburn and skin aging when used daily. 
3.  Exercise: The endorphins released after an engaging work-out session is important for the body to stay fit and energized. Physical fitness serves a variety of purposes that stall the aging process. First and foremost, exercise makes our muscles stronger. Since aging comes with a loss of muscle mass, it is necessary to have strong muscles to avoid abrasions and tears. 

A healthy life is one that’s lived with a varied texture of experiences. Traveling and enjoying activities with friends and loved ones are best enjoyed if one feels energetic, healthy, and youthful. It is not enough to be young at heart if our physicality can’t keep up with our desires to live and explore.

To truly remain young physically and in heart and mind, adopting the virtues of healthy eating and working out is essential. It’s time we recognize the fountain of youth that already exists within our lives. Make the Patented ValAsta astaxanthin part of your daily routine.

A large contributor to the inflammation in the body is the high intake of fructose. With the increased prevalence of high fructose diets in the Western world, understanding the impact of fructose on human health is critical. Fructose contributes to numerous metabolic disorders such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.


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